Hi Lisa, I agree that contagion is not what it has been beleived to be. As humans, we are energy, condensed into form in the Earth's density. Ww all operate within a set of limiting beliefs, which can be called programing, or energy blocks. My theory on epidemy or pandemy, is that Source energy, also called collective consciousness, at times expands rapidly, and this expansion is felt by every person. Now, if the limiting beliefs of millions of people are too limiting to receive the expansion, the discrepancy will manifest through the energy blocks, as disease. For covid, the expansion was about freeing from old paradigms, BREATHING a new way of life, liberating from old ties. We all felt it. Unfortunately many humans were not able to sustain the change, and expired.

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Yes love this explanation. Thank you for sharing. God yes covid was certainly about liberation for many of us!

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They were unable to sustain the TOXIC shot and expired. NO one died of a non existent virus that they claim was "covid".

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Many died even before the shot and likely from fear, toxins, and the medical treatments. There wasn't any more deaths than usual, per world data, but of course it was said that there was in order to create yet more fear, and lead people to jump at the chance for a solution such as the shots.

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Good read as always.

Looking forward to post on psychedelics having been an avid user for a few years :)

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Thanks Jonny! My next post may be a bit triggering lol

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Who for?? 😂

I stopped all that a while ago so be interesting to read what you post 😅

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Still articulating my full thoughts and gathering evidence but it seems that many homeopaths are finding psychedelics can also create an energetic ‘drug layer’ just like regular pharmaceuticals can

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Is that like an addiction? As it’s VERY addictive because the experiences can be so wild whilst also being ‘healing’. I’ve taken them in different countries and different contexts/settings and part of ‘ceremonies’. I believe it to be demonic and that it ultimately keeps you trapped in a trauma/healing cycle. It’s really easy to keep going to ceremony after ceremony looking for answers that you may never find. I also acknowledge my own healing and the incredible results others have had. It’s a false light for me. I wouldn’t take anything again.

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This is fascinating. Yeah I’ve heard a lot of people say that. From what I’ve witnessed some get the balance right and use it as a one off to help get some clarity. For others it becomes an addiction and is homeopaths observe it’s like almost the energetic body isn’t fully grounded in it’s physical form. Homeopathy can bring a person back into their body. Even commonly known homeopathic remedies like cannabis (the homeopathic version) can be indicated for children who’s parents consumed lots prior to conception. It’s like the drug leaves an energetic layer. Anyway I’ve almost told you my entire posts now lol ... gonna have to wait a little bit for it anyway as I have a more pressing one I need to get off my chest

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I wonder if it's a "drug layer" or perhaps energetic layers of what the person is perceiving, processing, and releasing?

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Contagions vs toxins. OR as I put it TOXICOLOGY VS VIROLOGY. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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I applaud you for addressing this and attempting to explain it. Having woken up to the fraud of germ theory, I find herbalist, homeopathic, aromatherapy and naturopathic explanations for why something works annoying and inaccurate. We need more discussion about this. In my view, something is not 'anti-bacterial'. It's actually 'pro-life' and helping the body adapt and heal.

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You seem to miss the essence of "like cures like," which is quite different than "same cures same." Hahnemann's tried and true method was to find the most similar substance that could cause the patient's symptoms, not giving a potentized sputum or a potentized poison to match the poison the person came under the influence of.

As to "is it germ theory or terrain?" the only logical answer is YES!

Both are operant (like Nature AND Nurture) and Cowan et al seem to deny the existence of viruses based on no one seeing them. So, thousands of virologists have just been deluded for decades? And those people who've been bitten by a rabid dog only got rabies because they were having some comorbidity that made them susceptible?

Sorry, I'm not buying that. Anyone who does is welcome to allow a rabid raccoon bite to their forearm to prove me wrong.

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This is the one area where you are amiss in your research and thinking. There are countless people bitten by "rabid" animals that do not get the symptoms of rabies. Can they get some symptoms? Of course because a bite introduces foreign materials into the wound which the body will react to. This is not the same as "getting rabies". The same goes for tetanus and every other claimed "dis-ease". Yes, virologists have not only been deluded for decades but some have known what they have been doing is not scientific. Stefan Lanka, for one, showed he gets the same results in a culture without the so called "virus" as he does with this "virus". This is not the first time this has been shown. It's not just that no one has "seen" viruses, it's that no one, ever, has been able to make a healthy person sick by introducing any bodily fluids from a sick person. Why? Not one. Of course nurture is important. Germ theory falls flat on it's face in the light of science, common sense, observation and experience. Homeopathy introduces a frequency to the recipient. Diseases are frequencies that are not compatible with health, but they are not from external contagion. To not be able to objectively study and reason this is disappointing as most of your other advice is pretty good and reasonable except for your "one and done" advice on vaccines. That causes great harm and is of no benefit whatsoever.

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Hmmmm. You lost me with "give mercury to detox mercury." Uh, no, I can't go there, it sounds utterly insane. !! Maybe I've misunderstood you? But I am also a follower of Cowan and Zeck, and I donut subscribe to the "germ theory" either, but Terrain Theory...

How to detox a virus? There is no such thing as a virus, so saith the Dog. What was mistaken as invading toxins (viruses) are actually sort of like garbage men: exosomes are created by the body, they don't invade from outside the body, and they clean up whatever toxins the person has somehow taken in, whether by bad food, bad water, some nasty in the air, whatever.

Okay, that's my comment. If I've misunderstood you, sorry.

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Don’t apologise . Ok when I say give Mercury I meant the homeopathic version. There is NO chemical substance in the homeopathic Mercury remedy… it just contains the energetic imprint of mercury (well once it gets past 12c potency). I may do some more posts explaining how remedies are made and potency. This is critical understanding and most people don’t actually understand what homeopathy is… it may come in a pill but it ain’t nothing like anything else that comes in a pill…

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Ah, so! No, I donut understand homeopathic very well, only very, very broadly! I had the idea of tiny bits of something, used as a curative somehow... So I'd love to read your explanation. ^_^

I would LOVE to understand all this kind of thing... I am very, very strongly opposed to pretty much any and ALL pharmaceuticals because of the synthetic nature of them, with very few exceptions. So... Keep on doing what you do! Yay!

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I'm pretty much convinced that homeopathy works with the placebo effect. Where people in a study that get a placebo find themselves well and yet were never given the substance that the other participants did. The human mind is very powerful and it has been documented that people have actually healed themselves from unimaginable trauma. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdhB9RzDG_w The story of The Miracle Man, Morris Goodman. And he is not the only one. I first heard of him while watching "The Secret", which by my experiences through life is ABSOLUTELY a FACT!

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I do not dismiss the placebo effect but homeopathic scientific studies (as well

As clinical observation) have shown it’s much more than that. homeopathy has been shown to work on cells under a microscope, on plants, and crops which can’t be attributed to placebo. It also works on animals, babies and people who don’t even know they’ve taken the remedy. Anecdotally I’ve witnessed all of this. If you want to check out the research for yourself you can look at some of the great stuff HRI is doing here. I generally don’t ever get drawn into debate on homeopathy and placebo ( because it’s categorically not though placebo can enhance its effect) but because this page is new I have this one time .., the purpose of this page is to go even deeper into homeopathy for those who

Love it https://www.hri-research.org

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We try to explain someone as sick the problem is you must understand humans are a creation! With this information in hand you must understand that YOU were Created from two imperfect humans your mother and father you are what they are imperfect! The problem no one wants to understand or they think no one can find the truth who Created Humans? Until

You understand the cause of creation and The Creator you will never understand man’s imperfect that causes sickness and death! I have always used Common Sense, Logic and Critical Thinking to solve all problems in this life. First imperfection can only produce imperfection in procreation! Give you an example of belief you are walking through the forest you come up on a beautiful house in the middle of nowhere! You see with your eyes and touch the house you know it is real! There is no humans around anywhere did this just appear out of nothing? Of course not you see a beautiful design Common Sense, Logic, and Critical Thinking there had to be a Creator of the beautiful home! Design is sign of intelligence! Now look at how complex the physical human is and the human has ability to create anything he wants to! To you think he just appeared out of nothing? Of course not he was created by a creator! If Darwin was alive now he would say it was only a theory people and I was wrong get over it! Did we evolve from apes if so there would not be any apes! So many humans do not have Common Sense, Logic or Critical Thinking they just believe any hing they are told! We all have been lied to by everyone in charge for so long most people don’t even know what Truth is! Until humans understand they have a Creator and that they were created for a reason humans will never understand why they are here and why they get sick and die! Ask a Heart doctor how long can a human heart beat he will tell you it should beat forever! The more it beats the stronger it gets! Until you realize that the first Humans were perfect and they rebelled against their Creator and lost perfection you will never understand why we are here and why we die! We lost perfection as a race of humans thats want there is sickness and death

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An interesting one about the heart. Showing that it is not beating. AMAZING video! And if I was created imperfect, then the creator needs to fix the design. Not saying you're wrong, just interjecting my thoughts on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogvxuchDWrA I'm a strong believer in a creator. http://desism.com

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You are now talking religion.

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I can also attest categorically that homeopathy results are not from placebo, just as using Bach's Flower remedies is not. I have used both on countless animals, and even birds, lizards, frogs, butterflies, and the like as well as plants and trees and you can be sure those results were not from placebo. That's not to say placebo and nocebo are not real and effective because they most certainly are, but not in anywhere near all cases. And in cases where that's what did the healing, wouldn't that still be a great thing?

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Nasal polyps? Can homeopathy reduce the inflammation? Or remove those within the nasal cavity before surgery?

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Homeopathy can literally help with anything because it's treating the individual's life force to stimulate self healing. So with the exception of regrowing a limb, yes there's almost nothing it can't help

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